Virtual Diary: #Enam

Aku ya, baru tahu kalau orang yang kena panic disorder itu bakal ngerasain mual yang kayak... ew.
Sudah sering baca yang begitu, tapi belum paham gimana maksudnya. Dan kalo baca yang begitu, aku yg sebelumnya cuma bakal ngangkat alis dan oh gitu aja.
Tapi setelah hari ini, I will put up my respect for those who overcome theirselfs when panic is striking. Karena itu tu sangat tidak mudah, Ya Lord!!!

Ya, bayangkan, imagine, stell dir vor:
Okay, this is half one, my classmate and I sat next to each other, get ready to the lecture. And you know what happened next? Another classmate came approach and asked me, "Loh, hari ini 3 kelompok kan yang tampil? Aku, Fulanah, sama Mbak Tika." My reaction? Mouth gasped distances.
Then she brought it to the truest reality. "Hey, Someone, kamu kemaren denger Herrnya ngomong berapa kelompok?" Dan si tertanya ini menjawab dengan enteng dan wajah tanpa dosanya, "Tiga." Mampus.

This is half one, guys. The first presentation started in 30 minutes. My group hasn't even started to make a plot of this presentation.
I had a mental breakdown for God only know how long. Thanks to my friend who calmed me down, was not going crazee.
Then we attempted to make the slides. Count it yourself but these were in my mind when my friend tryna make a power point presentation: we still have 30 minutes till the class started. With the possibility of the supervisor is in the class, our chance to work on this project was just 20 minutes in total. Plus a break of 20 minutes after the first presentation. So we have a total of 70 minutes to prepare the material, speech and the slides. A f-cking 70 minutes. The most unprepared project I have ever worked on.

Terus, kayak yang kubilang tadi. Panic disorder attacked me. HCl lambung udah naik semua, tapi glukosa darah pada turun. Mual udah diujung, mulutku rasanya udah pahit banget. Buat senyum aja susah, padahal biasanya suka receh kalo dikasih jokes. Aaah~ pokoknya stres sendiri lah kalo dipikir. Temen-temen yang lain cuma bilang 'semangat', 'tak doain wis', 'bisa kok bisa'. YA IYALAH KUDU BISA, NILAI INI WOY! Ahelah emosi kan jadinya.

Tapi, nih, tapi, TAPI~
We did it, guys~
Menurutku presentasinya cukup memuaskan buat taraf yang belom ada bikin apa-apa. Tapi, ya kecewa sih gabisa kasih presentasi yang effortful.
But, yeah, we did it and our classmate did understand our presentation. Ya iyalah ngerti, mereka mah kasian sama kamu. Haha.
Tau ah, pokoknya yang penting selesai~ Huu, gatau aku doa siapa ini yang diijabah Allah. Makasih banyak pokoknya. I survive this project completely huhuhuu~

Pokoknya gak lagi-lagi kayak gini. Pokoknya NANYA kalo udah mau waktunya~

A joke I found when I surf in internet:
-"What is an extreme sport?"
-"Doing homework when the teacher is collecting it."

Konversation II Presentation
Mit dem Thema "Aus der Geschichte lernen: 60 Jahre Bundesrepublik"
Yeah, bener-bener yang belajar dari sejarah.

Friday, November 24, 2017
01:xx a.m.


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