This is the last time I’ll look at the clock. I will not look at it again. It’s ten minutes past seven. He said he would telephone at five o’clock. “I’ll call you at five, Darling.” I think that’s where he said “darling”. I’m almost sure he said it there.
Pelajarilah ilmu karena Allah Karena mempelajarinya semata karena Allah akan membuahkan rasa takut Menuntutnya adalah ibadah Menghafalnya adalah tasbih Membahasnya adalah jihad
Hi... then. /awkward/ /cricketsounds/ Emm, welcome to my blog.... Okay, I'm not so sure about what should I post for the first. I mean, this blog was actually create to fulfill the ICT final assignment, and I absolutely understand if this blog wouldn't be popular since it maybe just my classmate (who was so courage about how would my blog appear). They've known me for all this time. And also, I don't even know what should I post in this blog.